Tis' The Season
For headaches, insomnia and stress induced eating that is. I am finally done with my “have to get done list” cards sent, presents sent and all of my freelance work done! Sadly I have had very little time to knit this month. I finished all the bells and whistles on Pedro,

He is a Llama of Fire. Since most of you are probably saying “a what?” I’ll explain. At my best friends wedding a while back we(the bridesmaids) were talking about how we didn’t want to cry at the altar during the ceremony so we were coming up with silly things to make us giggle to think of if we thought we were going to cry. Well my friend Amy has a little bit of a Llama addiction so “Llama of Fire” was born. It worked wonders for that day we all mostly didn’t cry, great. Well the next day was not to great, one of the bridesmaids, my friend Wendy’s father past away. It was unexpected and horribly sad and just not good, like most unexpected tragedies. The next day I was in this great store in my college town called Beyond Timbuktu and noticed they had little carved wooden llama beads for sale. So I bought a llama bead grabbed some of dyed red and yellow fabric from my textile class and created a llama of fire bracelet which I gave to Wendy at her fathers wake. It had only been about a year and half since my mom had passed away(also unexpectedly and I just remember needing a distraction something to take my mind away from where I was, and I figured Wendy was probably in that place as well. It worked at least as much as little things can and I know she still has that bracelet even today. So when Gene and I heard that friends of ours were having a spectacularly bad few months I decided to put my knitting skills to use and make another llama as a way to send our love from far away. He made his way to Illinois and is having a very good time with his new family.
The rest of my month has been filled with Sewing. I had 4 projects that all had deadlines last week. So instead of knitting I’ll show you some of the costumes

The pink coat is made out of felt, its for a dance/theater piece where the dancer Velcros stuff to herself, and it makes her look like a Jackie O’ Paper doll, kind of awesome.
Now all I have to do is wrap a few more presents for friends here in NYC and pack to go to Chicago on Friday. So there should be plenty of knitting time in the next week and a half and all I can say is

He is a Llama of Fire. Since most of you are probably saying “a what?” I’ll explain. At my best friends wedding a while back we(the bridesmaids) were talking about how we didn’t want to cry at the altar during the ceremony so we were coming up with silly things to make us giggle to think of if we thought we were going to cry. Well my friend Amy has a little bit of a Llama addiction so “Llama of Fire” was born. It worked wonders for that day we all mostly didn’t cry, great. Well the next day was not to great, one of the bridesmaids, my friend Wendy’s father past away. It was unexpected and horribly sad and just not good, like most unexpected tragedies. The next day I was in this great store in my college town called Beyond Timbuktu and noticed they had little carved wooden llama beads for sale. So I bought a llama bead grabbed some of dyed red and yellow fabric from my textile class and created a llama of fire bracelet which I gave to Wendy at her fathers wake. It had only been about a year and half since my mom had passed away(also unexpectedly and I just remember needing a distraction something to take my mind away from where I was, and I figured Wendy was probably in that place as well. It worked at least as much as little things can and I know she still has that bracelet even today. So when Gene and I heard that friends of ours were having a spectacularly bad few months I decided to put my knitting skills to use and make another llama as a way to send our love from far away. He made his way to Illinois and is having a very good time with his new family.
The rest of my month has been filled with Sewing. I had 4 projects that all had deadlines last week. So instead of knitting I’ll show you some of the costumes

The pink coat is made out of felt, its for a dance/theater piece where the dancer Velcros stuff to herself, and it makes her look like a Jackie O’ Paper doll, kind of awesome.
Now all I have to do is wrap a few more presents for friends here in NYC and pack to go to Chicago on Friday. So there should be plenty of knitting time in the next week and a half and all I can say is
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