Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The sweater continues

I am making progress on the sweater

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I don't normally try to co-ordinate my clothing and bed quilts but sometimes it happens I suppose.

I took the sweater with me last night when the husband and I went to see Casino Royal. It was actually a really good movie and I was doing pretty good with the knitting in the dark thing, I even managed a few of the cables, that is until I dropped my yarn and it rolled under the feet of the guy two seats away. I don't think he noticed but I didn't want to disturb some random guy in the middle of an action movie to ask if he could hand me my Yarn. And also being afraid of what the yarn might have landed in, I decided to wait until the end of the movie to retrieve it and see if it was covered in goo. Thankfully the yarn was fine and my embarrassment was kept to a minimum at the end of the movie since the guy and his friend split pretty quickly and I just nonchalantly picked up the yarn on the way out. But after all of that I ended up not screwing the top back onto my soda properly and spilled Diet Dr. Pepper all over the sweater and the inside of my bag. So today I will be giving the sweater a bath and cursing my incredible talent for spilling anything that stains or is sticky on everything I own.


Friday, November 24, 2006

Aquabot Lives!

Meet Aquabot...

Sometimes he's a fish

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But then he kind of feels like changing things up

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And he becomes a Robot

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I gave him to my friend Steve on Wednesday and he was definitely the hit of the party. It took a little bit but I finally stopped being horrified every time somebody turned him inside out repeatedly over and over again. I was afraid that he was going fall apart but like most Aquabots he is pretty tough and is still standing, or swimming, whichever.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Transformers: fish robots in disguise

So my sweater (if you can call my 3 inches of 2x2 ribbing a sweater) has been temporarily put aside while I knit a transformer stuffed animal for my friend Steve’s birthday. Yes that’s right while I knit a transformer

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While my transformer isn’t going to quite look exactly like the original( lets just call it "loosely" based), I’m still fairly impressed with myself with this project only because I am making it up on the fly and it seems to working out fairly well so far. I am making a stuffed robot that turns into a fish (long explanation on why these two things, you’ll just have to trust me that he’ll love it) I am done with the robot and the fish body

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But I still have to figure out how I am going to knit the fins. I have an image in my head of what I want but no idea on how to actually knit it. Kind of a problem, but if I can figure out how to solve the whole “transformation” thing, I’m hoping I can figure out how to knit a fish fin.

And to give credit where credit is due I have to say that much of my inspiration to knit toys and how to knit them has come from Jess Hutchison and her fabulous self published booklette Unusual Toys for You to Knit and Enjoy Unusual Toys for You to Knit and Enjoy I am pretty sure it isn’t available anymore, which is a shame because it is really wonderful fun and great inspiration.

All right I must now go scour my knitting books for the perfect stitch pattern for fish fins suitable for a transformer. Wish me luck


PS Steve’s birthday is on Thanksgiving so finished pictures soon!